Ethical Principles and Working Standards refer to a set of behaviors based on the principle of integrity. The Ethical Principles aim to guide all parties in business processes to act not only with legal and commercial responsibilities but also with ethical responsibility. These principles regulate the relationships of customers, employees, business partners, and suppliers with public institutions and society. The Ethical Principles also define the fundamental requirements that suppliers, customers, business partners, and third-party intermediaries of Yıldızlar Yatırım Holding A.Ş. and its Group Companies owe to stakeholders and the environment. By this document, suppliers, customers, contractors, and/or third-party intermediaries also declare the following:
Respect for Fundamental Human Rights and Employee Rights
The primary goal is to base all actions on respect for human rights and freedoms, and the same sensitivity must be shown by business partners, customers, and suppliers in all business activities. The use of child labor is unacceptable. No supplier or customer may employ children as labor. No employee may be subjected to forced labor, all employees are valued, and equal opportunities are provided.
Occupational Health and Safety
Workplace and on-the-job occupational health and safety must be fully ensured. Employees must comply with the rules and instructions set for this purpose and take the necessary precautions. Employees may not keep items or substances that pose a danger or are illegal for the workplace or employees. Occupational accidents and diseases are prevented, and legal obligations related to occupational health and safety are complied with.
Compliance with Laws and Legal Obligations
All domestic and international activities and operations are conducted in compliance with the laws of the countries where operations are carried out and international law. Communication with regulatory and supervisory bodies must be accurate and timely.
Impartiality, Equity, and Justice
All business relationships must be approached fairly and without prejudice. Tasks and responsibilities must be fulfilled without discrimination based on language, religion, race, gender, ethnic origin, or political opinion.
All ideas, projects, inventions, work methods, progress, and any written or verbal commercial, financial, or technical documents, personal data, conversations, correspondence, and all other information learned during work at Yıldızlar Yatırım Holding and Group Companies are considered confidential information. This confidentiality obligation includes all meetings, discussions, and correspondences covered by this agreement. Confidential information encompasses, but is not limited to, intellectual property rights and innovations belonging to Yıldızlar Yatırım Holding and Group Companies, as well as databases, printed communication materials, business processes, advertisements, product packaging and labels, business plans (marketing, product, technical), business strategies, strategic partnerships, and partner information, financial data, personnel records, customer lists, prices, product designs, know-how, specifications, and any other information about potential and existing customers and suppliers. Employees, business partners, suppliers, and customers are responsible for fully protecting confidential information.
Transparency and Honesty
Yıldızlar Yatırım Holding conducts its activities with a commitment to accuracy, honesty, and transparency in all processes.
Combating Corruption and Bribery
Any form of corruption or bribery must not be tolerated, and such activities must not be engaged in, either directly or indirectly. No valuable item may be given, offered, or promised to a public official or private party to influence official procedures or obtain unfair gains.
Environmental Sensitivity, Respect, and Safety
All activities should be carried out with principles of environmental protection and societal benefit, not solely for profitability. Methods to conserve resources like energy and water should be developed, and efforts should be made for efficient use of energy and materials. Recycling and reuse processes should be implemented to reduce waste and prevent air, water, and soil pollution.
Use of Resources
Without the interests of the Holding or Group Companies, their assets, facilities, and personnel cannot be used for external purposes under any circumstances or for any individual’s benefit. The principle of "saving in every matter" must be applied by everyone. Personal tasks cannot be assigned to employees during working hours, nor can private visitors be accepted. Any meetings with mandatory visitors must be related to the visit's subject and concluded within a reasonable time without disrupting work.
Giving statements to the press, participating in interviews, or attending events as a speaker requires the approval of the Yıldızlar Yatırım Holding Board of Directors. No personal profit may be derived from such activities.
Protection of Personal Data
Employees, suppliers, customers, and business partners must comply with all regulations, laws, and policies regarding the protection of personal data, including general and sensitive data processing, storage, and destruction.
Compliance with Competition Laws
Agreements or actions that could violate competition laws, such as creating a dominant market position or influencing pricing and marketing policies, must not be made. Compliance with competition regulations is mandatory.
Relations with Third Parties
All relations with public institutions, non-governmental organizations, and political parties must be conducted without expecting any benefits and must maintain equal distance. Situations creating conflicts of interest due to political activities should be avoided, and company resources or titles cannot be used in individual political activities. Political propaganda cannot be conducted in the workplace.
Relations with Suppliers, Customers, and Business Partners
Relationships with suppliers, customers, and business partners must always be honest and fair. Compliance with laws and regulations, employee rights, and environmental protection are essential requirements for these parties.
Acceptance and Rejection of Gifts
Employees of Yıldızlar Yatırım Holding and Group Companies, as well as suppliers, customers, and business partners, cannot request or accept gifts, earnings, favors, hospitality, special discounts, commissions, or rebates that may influence their impartiality or decisions. Employees cannot accept money, travel expenses, or similar payments from subcontractors, suppliers, consultants, competitors, or customers unless approved by the Board of Directors.
Avoiding Self-Dealing
Employees, suppliers, customers, and business partners cannot have financial interests in or conduct business with organizations that may cause conflicts of interest with Yıldızlar Yatırım Holding or Group Companies.
Post-Employment Relations
Former employees of Yıldızlar Yatırım Holding may conduct business with the company only with Board approval and under the condition that no conflicts of interest arise from their prior roles.
Avoiding Conflicts of Interest
Any activity that creates conflicts of interest must be avoided. In case of potential conflicts, stakeholders’ rights must be protected legally and ethically, and if in doubt, the Ethics Committee should be consulted.
Environment and Energy
Protecting the environment and achieving a healthy ecological balance are supported, and compliance with related regulations is maintained. Efficient use of natural resources and reduction of waste through recycling are prioritized. Improving energy performance is a fundamental policy.